
Jenkins CI/CD pipeline for Microservices Deployment on Kubernetes

Continuous integration & Continuous Delivery multibranch pipeline built over Jenkins for a microservice-based application deployment over Kubernetes.


Jenkins CI/CD pipeline for Microservices Deployment on Kubernetes
Continuous integration & Continuous Delivery multibranch pipeline built over Jenkins for a microservice-based application deployment over Kubernetes.


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The objective behind this guide is to help set up a simple and efficient CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins for hundreds of microservices running in Kubernetes on AWS EKS.

The approach will be developer-friendly and straightforward, easy to maintain, and one that has proved to be effective on some large scale production deployments. Step by step guide for the entire setup is listed below

Jenkins Installation

To start with, we need Jenkins running on an EC2 instance. [ Running Jenkins inside the Kubernetes cluster has its own set of challenges to solve for docker builds ].

The Internet is flooded with articles on How to install Jenkins, But it is recommended to follow the official guide. Some basic requirements also need to be fulfilled before this setup is ready for use.

  • Docker
  • Helm 3

We recommend using the Blueocean plugin which provides a beautiful user interface for Jenkins and configures our load balancer to the Blueocean interface on login.

Blueocean UI for Jenkins:

Jenkins Installation

Other plugins that need to be installed, in order to get the setup up and running are:

  • Slack Notification Plugin
  • Role-based Authorization Strategy
  • Authorize Project (Configure projects to run with specific authorization.)
  • Amazon ECR plugin

One critical aspect is Jenkins’s authentication with AWS services like ECR and EKS. Always prefer to use IAM instance Role [ This role ARN also needs to be added to AWS-auth configmap in EKS cluster ]. Here is a list of IAM policies to be attached to IAM role

  • AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
  • AmazonEKSServicePolicy
  • AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy
  • ECRFullAccess
  • eksClusterAutoscalerPolicy

Git flow and Branching strategy

This article refers to a simple branching strategy, with 3 mainline branches mapped to 3 environments running in the Kubernetes cluster. Each environment is running in it’s Kubernetes namespace.

git-flow for deployment stages :

Git flow and Branching strategy

Build Instructions :

In a typical microservices-based architecture, each microservice can be developed in a different programming language or framework. This puts Docker to it’s best use case. All the build instructions for a particular microservice stay in Dockerfile placed at the root of each repository.

Deployment Instructions

The deployments are packaged as helm charts that define all aspects of a microservice like — container images, placement constraints, networking, storage, configurations, etc.

These helm charts are stored in a separate git repository, which includes per service helm chart as well as other resources like common configmaps and secrets, ingress and different routing configuration, etc. These are fetched on Jenkins server as a dedicated Jenkins job with webhook configured to fetch updates automatically.

Pipeline — Putting it all together

Consider a simple pipeline having the following stages.

  1. Source
  2. Build and Test
  3. Artifact
  4. Deploy
  5. Cleanup ( Crucial part of the pipeline )
  6. Notify

Since the environment is independent of the EKS cluster name, it should be decoupled. Hence we configure cluster names corresponding to each environment as Jenkins Global Environment Variables in Manage Jenkins→Configure System→Global properties→Environment variables. These environments are being fetched from Git branch names like if the BRANCH is under development the ENV will be DEV i.e. ENV=${GIT_BRANCH}_env


Global environment variables for branch and cluster settings per CI stage

Slack Configuration for build notifications:


Git credentials: To setup Github webhooks, make sure Github Plugin is installed in Jenkins. Go to your Github repo -> Settings -> Webhooks. Add public URL of Jenkins as Payload URL, it will tell Github where to send the webhooks as below:


Now add Jenkins SSH public key to source code repositories. Add private ssh key to Jenkins credentials store and note the ID of the credential.

Jenkins private key

Go to Credentials → System → Global Credentials

Add Credentials of the Kind using the SSH Username with Private key ( for the public key added to GitHub )


For Slack Integration: Refer to this article.

Jenkins file example with github webhooks and slack notification.

def COLOR_MAP = [
'SUCCESS': 'good',
'FAILURE': 'danger',
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
//put your environment variables
doError = '0'
DOCKER_REPO = "12345678.dkr.ecr.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/${JOB_NAME}"
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = "ap-south-1"
HELM_RELEASE_NAME = "api-service"
ENV= """${sh(
returnStdout: true,
script: 'declare -n ENV=${GIT_BRANCH}_env ; echo "$ENV"'
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '20'))
stages {
stage ('Build and Test') {
steps {
sh '''
docker build \
#put your Test cases
echo 'Starting test cases'
stage ('Artefact') {
steps {
sh '''
$(aws ecr get-login --region ap-south-1 --no-include-email)
docker push ${DOCKER_REPO}:${BUILD_NUMBER}
stage ('Deploy') {
steps {
sh '''
declare -n CLUSTER_NAME=${ENV}_cluster
aws eks --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION update-kubeconfig --name ${CLUSTER_NAME}
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=$ENV
helm upgrade --install ${HELM_RELEASE_NAME} ${CHART_DIR}/${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}/ \
--set image.repository=${DOCKER_REPO} \
--set image.tag=${BUILD_NUMBER} \
--set environment=-${ENV} \
-f ${CHART_DIR}/${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}/values.yaml \
--namespace ${ENV}
stage('Cleanup') {
sh "docker rmi ${DOCKER_REPO}:${BUILD_NUMBER}"
// slack notification configuration
stage('Error') {
// when doError is equal to 1, return an error
when {
expression { doError == '1' }
steps {
echo "Failure :("
error "Test failed on purpose, doError == str(1)"
stage('Success') {
// when doError is equal to 0, just print a simple message
when {
expression { doError == '0' }
steps {
echo "Success :)"
// Post-build actions
post {
always {
slackSend channel: '#jenkins-notification',
color: COLOR_MAP[currentBuild.currentResult],
message: "*${currentBuild.currentResult}:* Job ${env.JOB_NAME} build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} More info at: $RUN_DISPLAY_URL"
view raw jenkins.yaml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

This Jenkinsfile is independent of microservice or environment. You can have a single Jenkins file for all microservices or can use separate Jenkins files stored in git for every microservice.

Let’s configure a Multibranch Pipeline Jenkins job to use the above-mentioned pipeline file

Creating a multibranch Pipeline

In Jenkins

Create New Item and Choose Multibranch Pipeline


In Branch Source, update your Git repository and credential, then you can keep the default behaviour for auto discover branches, or you can filter branches by name.

Git repository

In Build Configuration, use Jenkinsfile and update your file path.

In Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers, choose Scan by webhook and setup Trigger token or use periodically. In the case of Scan by webhook Multibranch Scan Webhook Trigger plugin is required.

build configuration

Save your configuration and then Click Open Blue Ocean, it would auto-discover your Github branch and the pipeline you defined in Jenkinsfile

blue ocean

After making a commit to a specific branch, you should see the pipeline initiation of that branch, followed by the final deployment.


The Jenkins job is now ready for use. Replicate the same flow across all microservices.

Jenkins Access control and Management

Install Jenkins role based access control plugin to enable Manage and Assign Role option under Manage Jenkins

Assign Roles

Add new roles under Manage Roles

Assign Roles

And assign roles to users

Manage Roles

Now you should be able to build and deploy your own pipelines using Jenkins. This will be your first step at establishing a continuous integration and continuous deployment cycle and incorporating a DevOps culture into your workflow. This method ensures efficient management of AWS & microservices deployed on AWS EKS

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